How to Replace a uPVC Window Handle

Before you upgrade your uPVC window handles with a brand new replacement you should know what size window handle you need. Before you purchase your...

uPVC Door Restrictor Stay Fitting Instructions

Door Restrictors for uPVC doors are great at limiting the opening of your door so it doesn’t continuously bang into things. A gust of wind or someo...

What Types Of Padlock Are There?

Padlocks are an integral part of everyday security. The fact that they are portable and act as a visual deterrent make them a great choice when sec...

How To Change Over a uPVC Multipoint Door Lock

We value simplicity here at Home Secure. No matter how technical or difficult a job may seem we like to get it down to the fundamentals for ourselv...

Should I Have an Outdoor Key Safe?

First and foremost, if you are thinking of purchasing an outdoor key safe, or if you already have one, do not put it on show. Install it somewhere ...

How To Fit a Sash Jammer to uPVC Windows and Doors

Sash Jammer Fitting Instructions Sash jammers provide excellent additional home security for uPVC windows and doors. The sash jammer handle pivots ...

Do Burglars Strike Twice?

Burglary victims have more than a 1 in 4 chance of being burgled again! Getting burgled is a traumatic event. The fact that a stranger has got insi...

uPVC Door Lock Operations – Single or Split Spindle?

uPVC Door Locks – Single Spindle Operation This is a question that we get asked quite often so here’s the answer! The easiest way to detect a singl...

How to Identify and Measure Your uPVC Door Handles

The first Step in identifying and measuring a uPVC door handle is to check if the top screw is above or below the handle, see below: Top Screw Bel...

How to Measure Internal Door Latch

On most interior door handles you will find a tubular mortice latch. An internal door latch allows you to close a door and keep it in place without...